Private English Tuition

Reviews, Corrections and Mark-up Outside of Lesson

Written work submission for review and correction:

Students wishing to submit written work for review and correction OUTSIDE THE LESSON may do so, but this will incur an incremental fee. This is also applicable to any other out of lesson assistance or work requests. Payment is due upon receipt of invoice. This will be invoiced to parents or guardians. 

Charges are incremental: Minimum 10 minutes (or part thereof is a flat fee) and increase in 5 minute increments thereafter.

Fees are charged in the increments above are based on the student’s tuition fee and the duration it takes to correct/markup the work (time is rounded up to nearest increment).

Written work is submitted and shared as a Google Doc via denise @

Students should attempt to finalise all their edits before submission.

The written work should be proof-read by the student; ensuring that sentences and paragraphs are complete.

Ensure that the work is spell checked using English (Australian) or English (UK) ONLY (NOT English U.S.)

Using a thesaurus – this is a simple tool but often students will not check the context in which they use the word. Students should refrain from trying to make their work more ‘sophisticated’ by believing that synonym substitution will suffice.

Students are advised that a minimum of 48 hours should be factored to receive a reply with the corrections and review notes. This is particularly relevant if the written work has a specific due date.

Students submitting work last minute (under 48 hours prior to it being due at school) will still be charged for the review and corrections even if the reply comes after the due date of their work.

Note 1: Multiple submissions of the same written work will incur multiple fees.

Note 2: An exception will be made for the submission of Major Works in relation to multiple edits.

Note 3: Essays for History, Legal Studies, Art, Drama, Business Studies or other subjects will not be corrected.

Note 4: Do not submit written work simply for the tutor to cut down the word length (an exception is made for oral presentations).

Note 5: Submissions are not guaranteed to be reviewed/corrected and returned.

All Terms and conditions are subject to change.

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