Private English Tuition

We want you to Succeed

Develop Your Personal Expression
Individual Guidance and Mentoring
Focus on Class Work and Assessment Tasks
Trials and HSC Examination Preparation

One-On-One English Tuition provides the best opportunity for students to develop depth of understanding and strengthening practical application. 

As the only compulsory HSC subject; English will count towards your final marks.

English is a Multidisciplinary subject intrinsically applied across all HSC subjects.

Seeking Private Tuition?

If you are looking to secure a place for Private One-On-One English tuition with us, you will be required complete the Request for Private Tuition form.

By placing yourself (son or daughter) on the wait list, you will be placed in a queue. Persons in the waitlist will be contacted in order of submission. In some cases, priority is given to students who are entering or currently in Year 12 (twelve).

Placement cannot be guaranteed even if a request is submitted. We reserve the right to refuse any request. Generally, however, we attempt to match up our availability with that of individual student’s availability (as recorded in the request).

We must also stress that placements are only offered at our Beecroft (NSW) premises.

We do endeavour to place as many students, accepting an offer of placement, with a scheduled appointment that is deemed recurring on weekly basis.

We do not offer ‘Trial Lessons’ as it simply does not fit in with our schedule.

For other student’s who do not receive a permanent placement, we may offer the occasional ‘ad hoc’ / casual times on a first come first served basis.

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