Private English Tuition

Lessons and Cancellations

Your allotted day and time is a permanent / fixed weekly position

Repeated or numerous cancellations can result in the allotted time being allocated to another client.

A cancellation fee of $150.00 will apply if 48-hour advanced notice is not received. Notice is either via TXT, email or telephone call – all which have a time-stamp. This fee will be payable at the following lesson, or an invoice will be sent to the parents noting the date and time of missed lesson.

  • TXT and Phone messages to be made to: 0416 006 508
  • Email sent to:

Note: we are not responsible if a student decides not to turn up to lessons.

You will be advised in advance if any changes are required. Students do not incur a cancellation fee if the tutor has to cancel the lesson. We will, however, endeavour to provide a make-up time for a lesson in the same week if possible.

Additional Lesson requests or temporary change of time.

If you require additional lessons or need to make a change (temporary) you must make the request at least a week in advance. As a courtesy, we will ask the other permanent students if they are able to make a temporary change to accommodate you.

Late requests are extremely hard to accommodate.

All Terms and conditions are subject to change.

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